At first, the idea of certain cars being classified as high risk cars or expensive to insure cars does not make sense. Nobody has ever heard of a car meeting with an accident on its own, right? It is always a combination of bad luck, bad driving and bad skills on the part of the drivers. How then does it make sense to classify certain cars as high risk and charge high premium irrespective of the driving skill of the individual?
Car insurance companies do not assess risk on the basis of academic or theoretical factors. Rather, they focus on real and practical aspects. If a specific car has been involved in numerous accidents during a particular year, then insurance companies may classify the car as high risk car. If certain cars are very expensive to repair, then insurance companies may not be keen on insuring such cars. This may seem patently unfair but do not have much of choice because you cannot argue with the insurance agents, can you?
You should pay back insurance companies in their own coin. Rather than trying to argue and reduce the price of the car, you should get in touch with different insurance companies and obtain quotes and promise great volumes if they offer great deals to insure your car. The best place to start is multiple quote comparison website. All you have to do is to fill the form and you will find the estimates offered by different insurance companies in your inbox. Once you have the quotes, you can proceed to start personal negotiation. Rather than giving up on your task of finding affordable insurance, you should utilize the web and its vast resources to find the best deal.
Your chances of securing great deal furthering increases if you use the web because different insurers rely on different set of statistics or interpret them differently. Hence, your high risk car for one insurer may be a moderate risk car for another. You just have to find such insurer and finalize the deal. This is where comparing more than a dozen quotes on a single web site makes things very easy.
It is important to compare insurance quotes before getting signed up with an insurance policy. When you compare insurance quotes you can rest assured you are saving both time and money because you are guaranteed to get the lowest insurance quote.
A good site to compare insurance quotes online can be found here: